spiral folded silos and tanks
Spiral metal silos and tanks are manufactured by us according to the technology of the German company Lipp-system AG, this technology was developed by the German scientist and industrialist Xaver Lipp in 1968 year. Today silos and tanks built using this technology are successfully operated in 80 countries of Europe and Asia. In Ukraine there are also several facilities built by a German company back in 1971, and these silos have been successfully operated for over 49 years. Our company also mastered this technology and over the past 4 years we have produced more than 60 silos and tanks for various products.
We produce silos from galvanized steel coils from 2 to 4 mm thick in different parts of the structure (the higher, the thinner). The technology consists in the fact that with the help of an automated installation we bend steel shafts (steel strip 495 mm wide) into a double folding lock. The resulting lock has a thickness of 10 to 20 mm, depending on the thickness of the steel; the lock is located around the entire circumference and the height of the container like a spiral. The resulting tank body has several advantages compared to tanks made of welded or bolted panels:
Completely smooth flat inner surface of the vessel wall
The spiral fold lock serves as horizontal stiffening ribs, which provide high structural strength.
High tightness, allows to store liquid products.
For the manufacture of silos using modern equipment. The complex includes a mechanism for feeding a steel strip, a molding machine for forming a profile of a steel strip, a bending machine for folding bending of a steel strip, as well as a number of roller bearings. The complex weighs 8 tons and allows you to build silos up to 30 meters high and with a diameter in the range of 4.5 - 32 meters.
The material is European structural steel with galvanic zinc coating. If necessary, combined steel is used as the material. Its inner layer is stainless steel, the outer layer is zinc-plated structural steel.
Depending on the operating conditions of the future facility, steel with a different thickness of zinc coating, but not less than 275 grams per square meter, is used. For the construction of infrastructure facilities for commercial elevators, river or sea terminals, or in other conditions with increased aggressiveness of the environment, a material with a coating thickness of 350-650 g / m2 is used.
Silos with a flat bottom and a large capacity are assembled on a foundation prepared in advance. Silos with a conical bottom, which are installed on the supporting frame, are built on a specially allocated and prepared site, and then transferred to the place of installation of the silo by cranes.
The silo roof is assembled from sheets of the same galvanized steel on the frame. We produce the profile for the frame on our own using modern equipment, so installing a silo is cheaper.
Silos are equipped with all the equipment necessary for loading and unloading the silo.
Advantages of Metal Spiral Folding Silos
Compared to concrete or segmented constructions, coiled silos have many advantages:
service life more than 45 years, even with intensive use;
automated installation guarantees structural strength, eliminating the influence of the human factor;
the absence of bolted joints, which can become centers of corrosion, places of rupture of the silo body, the exit of fine materials, leakage of liquid products;
complete tightness of the housing throughout the entire life cycle;
structural rigidity provided by spiral stiffeners up to 20 mm thick with a step of 0.375 m over the entire height of the wall;
high resistance to wind loads, important for steppe regions and coastal structures;
minimal friction of stored materials on equal smooth inner walls of the tank reduces the vertical load on the silo wall;
reduced material consumption for the manufacture of silage.
In addition, all work is performed or controlled by the specialists of our company, so the warranty will not be canceled due to unqualified installation. And, to top it off, we are collaborating with a state compensation program. Therefore, if you decide to buy a silo, up to 25% of the cost of building the object will be reimbursed.
Thus, our company offers all the services for the design, production and installation of individual silos and entire complexes for storing crops, fuel, water and other materials.